Where To Find Vaccines
About Finding Vaccines
Vaccines may be available at private doctor offices, pharmacies, workplaces, community health clinics, health departments or other community locations, such as schools and religious centers. If your primary healthcare provider does not stock all the vaccines recommended for you, ask for a referral.
Federally funded health centers can provide services if you don’t have health insurance or a regular source of healthcare – you pay what you can afford based on your income. You can also contact your state health department to learn more about where to get vaccines in your community.
Vaccines for Travelers
If you’re traveling internationally, CDC encourages you to make sure you are up to date on all routine vaccinations as well as vaccinations that are recommended based on the areas you will be visiting.
Go to the CDC travel website to find out which vaccines are recommended for you based on your travel destination and the kind of traveler you are.
Prescriptions for Vaccines
Many local pharmacies offer most recommended vaccines for adults, as well as some travel vaccines. If you plan on getting vaccinated at a pharmacy, consider calling the pharmacy ahead to find out if you need a prescription. Here’s why:
- The laws governing which vaccines a pharmacist can prescribe or administer vary by state.
- Some states allow pharmacists to independently administer vaccine without a patient-specific prescription from another healthcare provider and others do not.
- Laws governing patient-specific prescription can also vary by patient age or the vaccine needed.
Getting a vaccine at a doctor’s office or health department does not require a patient-specific prescription from another healthcare provider.